new york headshots

Why is your headshot important?

I get asked this question a lot! Headshots are an extremely important form of communication. A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes none more so than a picture of your face. It lets people know who they’re interacting with. Your face shows your whole range of emotion and gets your message across. Headshots aren’t just for actors or models. They are for EVERYONE.

It’s my job as a photographer to make you look like a star…wait is it?

Sounds kind of self-serving. 

It’s MY job as a photographer to guarantee you a comfortable headshot session where you can drop your guard and put your best face forward. Let’s face it-most people hate being in front of the camera. Lots of my clients get headshots because they “have to” but they leave completely vamping for the camera and getting into their session. It’s like getting a shot as a kid or eating your vegetables – it’s not so bad once you do it! 

At the end of the day people want to see who they are talking to, they want to know who is applying to the new job, who does IT for the company, who is the CEO/CFO/CPA/MVP/NWO of whatever organization you come from, and most importantly they want to know YOU. You can literally upload your headshots to EVERY social media service, dating app, business app, or  any website you can think of. Your face is part of your brand and if you’re an actor or model it IS your brand. Keep that in mind when you’re booking a session. A good headshot is an investment in yourself. 

You also never know when you might need one! You can get a new position at your job and BOOM they’re going to ask you for a professional photo. You may get interviewed by a news outlet and guess what? They will definitely need a photo of you. You can send them photos from 20 years ago doing keg stands at a frat party or send in that one wedding photo you looked great in while cutting off the rest of the folks in it. People know. They know…and they judge. 

My favorite headshot session to do is The Walk Around. I meet my clients at a predetermined location and we walk around and talk for around an hour to an hour and half just shooting and changing outfits. This is my most popular session as well because it’s filled with quality images and great conversation. And don’t worry – if you’re not a big talker I can probably handle that for the both of us. I’m loquacious. 

I guarantee you getting some new headshots will be one of the easiest and rewarding things you will do in your professional life. 

Lets throw on some tunes and shoot!

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Thanks guys and check out some past headshots below!

Blastoff Into The Future

2017 was a weird year. For everyone. But these kinds of things help us grow and mature. We learn from our mistakes even though sometimes it takes us a while to realize that. 2018 will personally be a year of laser-like focus for me toward the goals I want to achieve. I used to never make resolutions. I didn’t believe in them. But I believe in myself now more than ever and know I have resolve. We all do. I encourage everyone to try and be the best they can at whatever they want to do and not to let anyone stand in their way. My goals are to be a better person and a better photographer. Over the last year, my passion for production came back like a phoenix from the ashes. I was too mired in always thinking about work and getting gigs that I lost sight of some creativity in my life. Since making that realization I’ve accumulated quite the number of ideas in a notebook (complete with color coated post it’s) that I’m hoping to write, film, produce, and rock over the next year.

It’s been close to five years since I started my photography business full time and my passion has been reignited to create more than what my skillset is. This year I hope to create my own YouTube show, expand my podcasting, shoot bigger photography projects, write at least four shootable projects, get in better shape, see more movies, read more books, be a bigger fanboy of the stuff I love,  create more art (I can draw and paint ya know!) and just be an all-around better person. Of course, there will be bumps in the road but I’m at the age where I need to consciously reassure myself of my decisions. I’m a self-admitted late bloomer but on a great day I wake up feeling like I’m 17 again. Maybe I should look into that. Life is such a learning process and it would be very easy to just stay the same without any progression. The late bloomer in me talking is feeling like I’ve been waking up for the last five years. I’m still not 100% there and who knows if I ever will be but progress, right? You don’t have to be confined by whatever crazy walls your brain builds for you. We can literally do anything our mind thinks of. All it takes is a little push, positivity, and the will to manifest what you want.

What is gonna motivate YOU this year?


Headshots NY

headshots, headshots new york, new york headshots, headshots in new york, portraits, actors headshots new york, acting headshots, best headshots NYC

 You can reach me at 646-275-4750 and at 

Your Headshot

If you’re an actor, performer, model, business person, or entrepreneur then you need professional photos to get yourself noticed.   A great photo shows that you are serious about your brand. You’ll see the difference one photo makes almost immediately, whether it’s on your company website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook Page, Twitter page, or in the hands of a casting agent. Talk to me about what you need and lets nail this shoot!

The Process

Booking your headshot is easy. Simply email me at or call me at 646-275 4750. I offer in studio headshots in Flushing, Queens as well as on location lifestyle headshots.  Once you schedule your appointment I suggest you bring two to three outfit combinations for the session. Generally, my headshot sessions last around an hour. There will be coffee, water, snacks and music of course! I also tether my camera to my computer so you can see the shots as they are taken! All images would be delivered at full res the the same day via Dropbox. Edits would be completed after 48 hours of your selecting them. All images are yours to keep. 

Hair & Makeup

If you require hair and makeup for your shoot I have four very experienced people that I use regularly. Their rates start at $100 added to the regular session. 

Let’s Rock! 

Not only do I guarantee a stress free session I will also direct you and coach your poses if this is your first headshot shoot. You’re not shooting with a diva photographer; you’re shooting with Rich! 


Booking your Headshots NY


You can use the contact form below to inquire about a booking.

 Headshots in nyc, new york headshots, nyc headshots, nyc headshot photographer, best photographer in Queens, Queens headshot photographer, manhattan headshot photographer, awesome headshots, headshots in new york, new york headshots, affordable headshots, new york headshots, best headshots in new york, award winning headshots, headshots nyc, new york portraits, ceo portraits, executive portraits, headshot photographer in new york, headshot photographer in Queens, 

Getting New Headshots

Headshots Help

We all have dreams. Some of us follow those dreams. Some of us don’t. That’s a fact. If you ever wanted to be an actor, model, or entertainer and decided to quit your day job to pursue your dream full time then more power to you. That one solitary spark of ambition already sets you apart from the pack. There are tons of great resources out there for a young actor,model or musician to get their foot in the door and many great websites, podcasts, blogs to steer you in the right direction. However, the one thing anyone breaking into the entertainment industry needs is a good headshot. If you’re a business person, lawyer, accountant, ad exec, you should get headshots done out of necessity because in a world that is getting faster paced – people need to see who you are. It’s a great way for people to see your “game face!”

But Why, Rich?

Headshots help. Why? Well, there are a thousand and million reasons. They show casting agents that you are serious about putting your face out there. They are a great way to get attention to your social profiles (which ever one you use), and they are a tool to get you where you need to go. Don’t think of headshots as a luxury. Think of them as a vital part of your process to fulfilling your dream. YOU are your brand. They are also a great add on to your website, which you should have regardless of what field you’re in. If you have founded a niche company and want folks to get to know you a bit with a personal touch then add a photo to your “about” page. Investing in professional photography for your personal headshot goes a long way in this day and age. Please don’t use wedding photos or selfies or shady iphone pictures! We live in the future and everything is a click or swipe away. BOOM! You need that image to have an impact that people will remember.

Once you have a photo or set of photos; those images will be your go to for a surprising number of connections. If you subscribe to a site like where writers looking to interview you for a specific topic will require a headshot. That means don’t send them the photo of you from Halloween that you think looks sexy. It means send them a professional looking photo that you have on deck because you invested in yourself. What do headshots mean for business? It means clients can attach a face to brand. What do headshots mean for an aspiring actor or model? It means they now have a way to communicate their money maker to interested parties.

Put Yourself Out There

If you’re starting your entertainment career, leaving an old job to start your business, or even if you just want some photos to reflect yourself to others then I suggest getting some professional headshots done. It’s part of the experience of going out on your own and saying “Here I am.” It can be daunting. I get it. Not everyone likes photos. But, that’s part of the fun in life – the unknown. And like that Nike man says “JUST DO IT.”

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The Importance of a Corporate Headshot

If you are an executive, entrepreneur, or work in a corporate environment- do NOT underestimate the importance of a great corporate headshot. Times have changed and so has company culture across the board as well as the hiring process. Potential employers and clients want to see who you are and that selfie from your last vacation won’t cut it. Now don’t get me wrong – you don’t need a stodgy photo that looks like it was taken 50 years ago but you definitely need something that represents you. Here are a few examples of corporate headshots I’ve taken over the last few years: Corporate Headshots In NY

Now, most people hate being in pictures; let alone professional ones. But you must keep in mind that they are a huge necessity and tool in 2017 and beyond. People see these shots and know who you are. People see these shots to get a feel for who you are. Like I said; no one wants to look at you downing a cocktail at a wedding as your LinkedIn photo. No one wants to see a photo of you from a frat party that happened ten years ago. You need new shots, dudes and dudettes! You’d be surprised how many people use that “CUTE PHOTO” from their last boozie brunch! The point is – if you want to be taken serious you need a well composed photograph that could be used for a multitude of things. In this age of hyper connectivity you could use a handful of your new shots for your website, linkedin, your companies site, email blasts, and press citations. I hear all the time “I have a speaking engagement…and they want a photo…what do I do?” Well – in that case – step into my studio.  I offer a quick, painless, and most would say fun process for your shots. You get all images same day plus  set number of edits once we agree on a package.

Most of my clientele are booking their shots for the first time and I would ease them through the process as it can be daunting for those that have never had professional pictures done. At this point in time and possibly in your career it’s a necessity and you should embrace being in front of the camera at least once so you can get some great shots. There are a few different styles out there of course but I always suggest a more business casual environmental feel with an out of focus background. It honestly looks really cool especially if shot in a dynamic way.

When you reach a certain level of success or have a large presence online or in the media the odds are that someone will be looking to interview you or highlight you in some regard. When that happens they will more than likely ask for some pro photos. That’s where your corporate headshot comes into play. And I don’t mean just corporate – I strongly suggest a combination of corporate/casual/artistic photos that you can not only send to a variety of folks or outlets but also use for your personal sites or social handles. Believe me a great photo goes a long way. I can’t tell you how many clients I have that reach out to me for multiple shoots because they love the way their shots turned out. It’s an addiction!

You can book your shots with me direct at or via text/call at 646-275-4750

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Mind Over Matter

In 2013 I quit my go nowhere job to start my photography business full time. I had no capital, no clients, just sweat equity and moral support. Four years later my business is going strong and I have a steady clientele that lets me pay the bills and have some fun as well. There were many times in that two years in business that I felt like the burden of having minimal finances was too much to bear. There were tons of sleepless nights and days of worry when I wasn’t getting client emails or calls. I would become moody and intolerable.

Mental fortitude got me through it. I know I was good enough to make something of myself on my own. My work was adequate at the time for what I was charging. And slowly but surely my work got better and my clients got bigger. I went from price shoppers and late payers to reputable clients that didn’t play games. During these last four years I’ve tried to absorb as much as possible about business and creating something artful through my profession that is not only fulfilling but something eye catching that my clients want. It’s a never ending journey and I understand that, which I do enjoy because it’s a challenge. I can honestly say being a gamer helps because with each stage or challenge to level up your skills to get to the next area. Sometimes you need to build your skills up more than you ever thought just so you can reach that pinnacle where yet more challenges await and dammit I love a good challenge.

Of course this journey is also full of establishing work life balance, networking, selling your skills, finding work, making sure work gets completed on time, and making time for family and friends. There was a period of time where I just disappeared from my friends, which at the time I thought that was the right thing to do. I was wrong. It was just a mis management of time on my part. There was also a short period where I lost myself to freelancing in the respect that money was coming in and I was being very lazy, which is NOT a good thing at all because when laziness hits that money stops coming in. I fell into the trap of making my own schedule and rules and enjoyed a little too much food and drink, which cause it’s on stresses after the fact.

It’s hard not to let stress get to you but you always have to think about the opposite side of the equation. If you are making your dreams into goals and making those goals a reality you need to operate with a clear and positive mind. Again – having a clear head 100% of the time is impossible but you can strive to be thoughtful and aware of your situation and your skills. Over the last four years I’ve met lots of creatives who gave up on their dreams to go back to a 9-5 work day. The stress got to them and they went back to what they knew, which was a regimented day to day operation in which they are told what to do and punch out at 5 or 6. That’s great if they are happy but I know one of the reasons I work so hard is to not have to go back to the 9-5 drudge. The thought of it makes me queasy.

If you need to destress I suggest look at the things in your life that are affecting your mind. It could be anything from too much alcohol, eating the wrong food, not getting enough sleep, not working out, or just getting easily frustrated. For me I need a combination of working out, clean eating, and getting plenty of rest so I can be at my best every day. Working out helps with a clear head because I can just exercise my frustrations and leave them on the street. Eating clean helps my body as well. If you feel good on the inside it only helps what’s up stairs. I cannot function when I’m tired. I get lazy and just want to crawl back into bed. Limit your late nights for when you truly should have fun and blow off steam. You can easily eliminate your bad habits and turn them into positive ones. For example starting in 2017 every time I wanted to go for a drink or meal that wasn’t home cooked I would just take that money and put it in my savings. It added up and I bit myself for not doing that sooner.

Full time freelancers also tend to forget their hobbies because they are always so busy. You may not know this but it adds to your stress level because you have no mental release of everything that’s pent up inside you. For me 2017 started with adding writing, drawing, and playing music at least once a day every day and I find it extremely refreshing because it again clears your mind so you can focus on your tasks at hand. You are in control of you and no one is going to tell you that you can’t pickup a guitar in the middle of the day so you can jam out a few tunes before sitting back on your computer. Shutting off your screens and chilling out before bed also helps big time. I’m a big believer in positive thinking and there is nothing but goodness that comes from that. It’s all about being mindful. Your mind is so powerful that you can achieve anything you want literally by setting your mind to it. Take a deep breath and exhale that goodness. Fill your lungs with awesome and show it to the world.

Thanks guys!







About Me

New York City

My name is Rich and I started in 2013 to pursue photography full time. I cater to many different brands and individuals offering high-quality photo and video. I’m still obsessed with New York even though I grew up here!

My Work

I have a great track record for providing great images in a timely manner. As a working-class artist and I have a down to earth sensibility with great attention to detail that comes through in my work. I truly love what I do and constantly strive to improve.

My goal is to make every shoot better than the last.

Your Project

For any questions about any of the following; feel free to email me or call: 646-275-4750


Corporate Headshots

Product Photography

Fitness Photos

Lifestyle Photos

Live and Corporate Events

Architectural/Real Estate Photography

Staged Shoots (I have an excellent and reliable team of actors, models, and makeup artists at the ready for your production)

I also write for several publications and host a variety of online programming as well as speak in public on occasion plus I love heavy metal, comic books, Japanese wrestling, and The Mets. Music is a must for every shoot!



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2016. Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough.

2016 was a weird year.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say it was an unexpected year to say the least. 2016 just seemed to have a blanket of malaise through the full year. There were lots of ups and downs but wow a whole lot of downs. We kind of realized the world is a lot scarier than we gave it credit for. In the age of smart phones, tablets, plugging in, luxurious tech  solutions shaming this and that social media memes viral marketing keeping up with the Jone distractions, we kind of got hit in the face with our own mortality, the mortality of others, and the fact that no matter how progressive we think we are as a society we make HUGE mistakes. (See what I did there?)

Freelancing in 2016 was interesting as well. We saw more freelancers join the market more than ever. It’s great that folks are once again taking it upon themselves to carve out their own niche. Isn’t that what modern society was built on? People saying NO- I got this? Creatively I had so far the best year of my career. I met so many wonderful people, worked on many great projects, and improved my portfolio in ways I couldn’t even dream of when I started in 2013. It makes me hungry to do more and hungry for the future. That being said – success doesn’t come over night. I’m personally not at all where I want to be now but instead of jumping the gun I’ve come to grips with walking before I run – even though I have a very run run run attitude. The cream always rises to the top (Oh yeah!) as they say. Freelancing has many bumps in the road but the goal should be knowing that you’re doing what you love and are able to support yourself and your family. Being in New York we have the added bonus of fighting with the city that never sleeps and wrestling it into submission because you know you can conquer whatever is out there waiting. But guess what – New York doesn’t want to beat you down. New York is the Howard “Fats” Brown (From the Twilight Zone Episode “A Game Of Pool.”) New York is the best there is BUT wants to be beaten. It needs you to alleviate the stigma that comes with it. The song rings true “If you can make it there – you can make it anywhere” and I think if you have the mindset to make it in NYC and follow through – you’ll be just fine kiddo. I encourage anyone with a passion to jump in two feet first and ruin their lives trying to make something of themselves in this city.

We lost a lot of great people in 2016 and I’d like to think we gained a lot of perspective. Life’s too short to be an asshole to anyone. Maybe we should be as good as we can to one another and hope that 2017 is the most kick ass year we can have regardless of how you feel about certain things. My mindset is to engage and rearrange. We could also use a serious overhaul on our way through life and what better time than now? I have the privilege of working with a lot of great creative folks and more often than not I get texts, emails, and have conversations regarding the same feelings across the board. Hopefully we have an artful 2017 with tons of laughs, great success, and a lot of fun. Don’t let the haters tear you down. Onward. Forward. March.


Shot and produced with promoting The Grand Tour Season 2

Alpha Vest Kickstarter Video

New York Times Travel Show Video Shot and edited for the Hungarian Tourism Board.

Steve McCurry shot for The Lucie Awards

Product Video for Holtzman Knife

Shot for Gorlilla Survival Gear

Shot for Dr Frid: Clothing for Kids.

Shot for Jade Black Co

This was for client Victor DeValle. I shot and edited this piece for his website. This was shot on location at Gleason’s gym in Brooklyn.

Written, cast, shot, edited, including voice over – for Amora French Press

Shot for Brever Electronic Salt and Pepper Grinders