That’s a simple and straight forward fact. If you have a brand with an online presence regardless if its an Amazon store, Etsy store, Big Cartel Store, your own website or even Instagram; you’re going to need some stellar product photos. Some people decide to take the photos themselves with their phones, which I think is a big NO NO because it affects sales almost directly. I can’t even tell you how many times clients call me and say “Hey, I took photos with my phone and I’m not selling anything…can you help me?” and of course I say “No, beat it! I’m not running a charity!” That would make for a short blog post, right? NO! I walk them through my process to take great product photos and make sure that I have their needs in mind. I offer full-blown Amazon product photo packages including shots on white, lifestyle photos, and even video. All of these are important to have because your potential customers want to know exactly what they are getting and a pretty picture sells them on your item. Perception is 99% of reality right? (I may be off on that but for all intents and purposes that’s the percentage I’m sticking with!)
Just think about the amount of stuff there is out there. We buy stuff all the time. That stuff also sells itself with photos. When you go to Amazon you’re more attracted to items that have better photos and better reviews. You feel confident in your purchase and are able to look at what you just bought and say to yourself “Wow I just got that!” We are more attracted to something elegant and high end looking even though we know that sometimes when we open the package we get the reality of a product, which is ok because you bought it for a reason, right? As a seller you want your photos to look as elegant and glamorous as possible. Investing in good product photography is just one step of the ecomm puzzle. I have seen many clients’ sales sky rocket through some great photos that I’ve provided. Regardless of the item you are wanting to sell a good photo helps especially if you’re selling something as mundane as extension cords. I can shoot the heck out of an extension cord lemme tell ya. Personally, my favorite ecomm items to shoot are electronics because they lend themselves to lots of creativity.
If you’re going to book a product shoot I suggest having samples in mind of shots that you absolutely love as well as a budget. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a delivery date in mind too! I enjoy feeding off clients ideas and delivering unique photos that display their product to the fullest. Here’s an example of a shoot done earlier in the year for a felt sign. 
Compared to other sellers on Amazon I delivered a better product for my client who loved the gallery I sent her way. Crisp and clean photos are also a selling point for your items plus making sure the item has no imperfections during an edit. Here are also some Product Photography tips on how you can do this on your own! I offer excellent rates and a quick turnaround time on edits! You can check out my work and contact info at