Stepping Up Your Game

Freelancing can be tricky. Believe me; I’ve been at it for over eleven years and have dealt with a million ups, downs, setbacks, peaks, and valleys. Why do I do it? Because I really really enjoy what I do and am pretty damn good at it. That being said every so often you have to look at your work and tell yourself you can do better. You never want to grow stagnant in your game because you’re comfortable and making money. Comfort is a good thing. Making money is a good thing. But it can be a deadly combo that leads to lethargy. When you think about your freelance life just think about why you started to begin with. For me it was a combination of a lot of things but the main one was that I didn’t want to work for anyone else and help THEM bring THEIR dreams to reality. I was tired of being a cog in a machine. I was sick of feeling sick. I knew I was talented enough and dumb enough to venture out on my own. Yes. You need a bit of self-delusion to bust out of that rut and try and be your own boss. That all being said – remember why you freelance in the first place. Let that fire burn hot again.

I’m not a stylish guy in the least but I love flipping through GQ. Not only for the articles but for the ads. I love the photos for designer brands. For me this helps me step up my game. I make a mood board of shots I like pertaining to a certain theme and see if I can replicate those shots and make them my own. As a photographer more often than not a picture sells an idea; it doesn’t matter if its an item, person, or location. A good photo leaves some kind of impact weather it’s visceral or unconscious. I’m not saying compare yourself. I’m saying get inspiration. In my case most of those magazine shoots you see are priced at tens of thousands of dollars. If I want to reach a higher level I have to do better work. Like all things I think technical prowess needs to be studied but also the art and craft of making whatever it is you do. By all means teach yourself by observing. I have found that reverse engineering photos is easier for me than looking up a YouTube tutorial. But those are good too! At the end of the day we all want to be better so make like the swoosh says and “Just Do It.”


Thanks guys!




*any misspellings or improper grammar is due to high exposure to caffeine.