2015 And Beyond.

This post may almost be two weeks late but that’s OK. That’s what the internet is for. 2014 was so far the best year I have had professionally. I’ve met tons of great people, worked with some amazing folks, had some fantastic opportunities, and became a better shooter. I also adopted a very die hard can do attitude and a more positive lifestyle (which my wife calls “fucking postile” (Thanks Pantera!)  – Aggressive positivity.) And yes I just used parenthesis within parenthesis (I’m the writer here and I make the rules!) I’ve also come to realize that as human beings we are nothing without each other and need to spread love and kindness whenever we can. Here are some things I learned in 2014 that I want to share with you guys that might help!

1) Positive thoughts lead to positive things.

It’s true. If you are constantly negative and cynical your life will reflect that. If you know your worth, know who you are, know why people like you, know what you’re good at then that’s what counts and concentrate on the good  things in your mind, which will eventually lead to better things in your life.

2) Abandon negative people. 

I cut ties with a few negative folks in my life and am all the more happier. It helps. Why be stagnant when we should be moving forward?

3) The harder you work at something the more you get out of it. 

That’s a simple truth.

4) Care about your health because you only have one body. 

I lost 50 pounds in 2014 due to a diabetes scare. It opened my eyes to a few very important things. We should all pay attention to our habits and stick to a goal. We should lose weight and exercise because we love our bodies not because we hate them.

5) Be yourself no matter what. 

I will admit to a sort of crisis of personality during a lot of 2014 between who I was, am, and want to be. I got lost in a bit of a formula and woke up one morning to abandon that mentality in order to inject myself more into everything I do.

6) It doesn’t hurt to be open, loving, and kind. Cherish the people in your life that matter. 

I wear my heart on my sleeve and tell people who matter that I love them whenever I feel like. Spread that around.


A badeep badeep badeep I guess that’s all folks. Those are my two cents and even if one person reading  this got something from it – I would be a very happy camper.

Live Long and Prosper.





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