
Fitness Photography

I love taking fitness photos. Why? Because it shows how much hard work and dedication someone can put into themselves to get the most out of a new lifestyle or change. It’s inspiring to see my clients make huge life changes and want to document those changes for the world to see. I have shot personal trainers, models, actors, MMA fighters, boxers, and everyone in between. Wake up and get your fitness photography NYC! I cater to anyone who wants some high quality photos of the body that they are proud of. Nothing shows the world you’re ready or how committed you are to bettering yourself than images showcasing the physical and mental changes you have made. When you have your health you have the world at your fingertips. Small changes lead to big changes until you find that you’re the person you have always wanted to be. Fitness is a choice we all have and if you put your mind to it you can achieve great things and feel a million times better than you did when you started your uphill journey to being in command of your health.  Personally, it’s a journey that took me 33 years to start and I’m not looking back any time soon. In encourage everyone to quit smoking, hard boozing (regular boozing is ok in moderation), and eating things that will slowly kill you. Start running, swimming, biking, and eating better. You’ll live longer and love how you feel.  When you’re ready for some fitness photography NYC you know where to find me!

If you want to learn more about fitness photography packages including locations then fill out the contact form below and let’s work together to set up your shoot.


Let’s pay it forward folks. If you have someone in your life that you want to motivate; now is the time. Help them get to on the road to where they want to be and without judgement extend a hand to a better lifestyle.

You can find me on  Twitter, LinkedIN, and Instagram.

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