How it works I cater to many Amazon and Ecomm sellers and offer in-studio photos as well as on-location shoots
How it works I cater to many Amazon and Ecomm sellers and offer in-studio photos as well as on-location shoots
You can reach me at 646-275-4750 and at Your Headshot If you’re an actor, performer, model, business person, or
I get asked this question a lot! Headshots are an extremely important form of communication. A picture is worth a
We have all heard the phrase “Going above and beyond,” but what does it really mean? What does it mean
So, I love music. Further more; I love heavy metal music. I have been in NYC metal bands since I
Everyone wants to be the best at what they do. With photography it’s no different. As a photographer you always
As photographers we all know that dealing with flakes is part of the job. Dealing with flakes is a part
Shoot What You Love If you take photos for a living, are trying to, or just shoot around constantly as